Waking up to tummy bugs can be disheartening. Waking up to tummy bugs and scribbles on the walls around the cot nearly defeated me. This is not a great start and I nearly let it colour the rest of the day. 

However, I had spotted a competition on one of the illustrator websites earlier on in the week, Illustration Friday. The competition's title this week is 'Trouble' and I knew exactly what I was going to do.. Turn this day around and start sketching! 

She actually posed like this, hanging on the bars on the opposite side of the cot when I asked what had happened to her walls. 

She asked in her upside down pose, 'Am I in trob'ball?!' 

I get the camera out, *snap* (<Because I'm not THAT good) and say, 'I'm upset. But lets make it better, shall we?'
Cheeky Monkey!
Cheeky Monkey!

Cheeky Monkey!

We all know this scene, there's nothing really to say.
